Kiki R9/18

Kiki was a grey continental giant doe born in 2016. She came to us in March 2018 because her owner was moving.She lived with Clyde in his big shed. I am a bit concerned about her as since we vaccinated her she has been losing weight and looks to sometimes …

Clyde R14/17

Clyde was a magnificent continental giant buck born in 2017 with a lovely silver agouti coat. Sadly he had sore feet and a heart condition and gets extremely out of breath after any stress or exertion. This means it is extremely important to keep him on soft bedding as he …

Jolly Rodger R6/17

Jolly was a little grey and white buck who hates being handled. He was born in about 2012. He came to us in March 2017 after his partner had died. He has had quite a few failed bondings but I am hopeful that he will now live with Margarite. She is …

Lavender R18/15

Lavender is a large half lopped white doe with grey points. She was a stray and came to us in appalling condition with her ears caked in pus from infections inside them, her body just skin stretched over a skeleton, one of the thinnest rabbits we have ever taken in. …

Rose R104/09

Rose was a blue grey lionlop doe who was about two when she came to us in October 2009. She was  part of a group of 14 who were given to us because of her owners mental health trouble. The group included Old Bonnie, who of course wasn’t Old then. They …