A difficult decision

A difficult decision

It is with a heavy heart that we have been forced to face the fact that we can no longer meet the standards that we used to be able to with regards to providing care to guinea pigs. We no longer have access to indoor space and the big barn is no longer an adequate substitute as we are unable to repair the huge hole in the asbestos roof. This winter we had rats get in there and had to move the last remaining guinea pigs into a smaller shed but given how cold this winter was and the age of the guinea pigs it was far from ideal. We made up for it with plenty of extra food, hay and by using snuggle safes for extra warmth but still it is not something I feel we should repeat.

So it is the end of an era. We are going to greatly miss the cheerful little creatures but feel privileged that we were able to improve the lives of numerous hundreds of them over the fifteen years during which we were able to provide for them.

The last of our old lady pigs died a few weeks ago, at 8 years old. We did not leave her alone at the end but borrowed a couple of young sows from a former volunteer to keep her company after her final companion died. I think they enjoyed their holiday and we would all have liked it to be longer but she only lived a few weeks more after her old friend died. When she died so did a piece of Hopper Haven. Run free all you little feet. We will remember you always.

Many thanks to all our supporters who enabled us to help so many guinea pigs have the best possible lives.